Iran attacks the US base in Iraq. Scary, right?
The company president announces that your office will shutdown soon. "Oh no!"
A close friend shares that she has an incurable disease & has only a year to live. "What?!
Your bank demands that settle your loan soon or you lose your house. "Where will my family live?"
Midway in your bus trip, you suddenly realized that you left your wallet. "Manong driver, pwede ba G-cash?" 
These things makes us panic. You call on God to pray out “Lord, help me!”
But God seems silent. The storm continues. It does not show any signs of weakness. Where is God?
Today’s Gospel shares to us how we should handle the “storms” in our lives.
"And HE GOT INTO the boat with them & the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded” - Mark 6:51
Yan ang pangpakalma. The storm disappeared only when Jesus got in the boat.
- Jesus could command the wind to avoid the way of the apostles BEFORE their boat left. HE did not.
- Jesus could command the wind to calm down DURING the storm. He saw that “they were distressed in rowing” (Mark 6:48). But HE did not.
The wind calmed down only when Jesus GOT INTO THE BOAT.
That’s the key when you're facing a storm. Go back to basics. Simply open up your “boat” & let Jesus in. Remember, during fire or emergencies you don’t take the elevator. You go back to basics. You take the stairs.
Don’t complicate your life. Surrender your life to God starting today. God bless! -
#shareaboutJesus #aimtobeaSaint
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