Sunday, July 8, 2012


If you are Filipino you know the game as "bato-bato-pik".
It was a common hand gesture game when I was a kid. Nowadays, kids’ hand gesture games are tap, tap, swipe-left, swipe-right or pinch to zoom-out/in. Anyway, let me go back to the rock.

Allow me to share this bible story about the rock.

·      No, it was not the rock that Moses struck so water can gush out. (Exodus 17:6)
·      Nor the rock that David got from his bag, loaded in his slingshot and fired at the Philistine giant. (1 Samuel 17:49)
·      Nope, it was not about the rock that Jesus asked the people to move so He can call out his friend Lazarus from the world of the dead to return back to life. (John 11:38)
·      Nor the stone at the tomb that the angel moved when Jesus resurrected on the third day. (Matthew 28:2)

It’s about a man called “The Rock”. Not the muscular former wrestler turned Hollywood star. This is the rock that Jesus chose to build His church on.
He was originally named Simon or Simeon. Also called Simon bar-Jona which translates to Simon son of Jonah (or John). His Greek name was Cephas and his Hebrew name was Kepha. Both of which mean rock. Jesus called him Peter. On some Bible verses he was called Simon Peter.  To us Pinoys, he is San Pedro; often personified through a statue of a bearded man holding a huge key with a rooster by his side. 

He was not outstanding. He was a simple fisherman. But when he became a follower of Jesus, he decided to be His best follower. Wherever Jesus went, Peter was there. He was like Robin to Batman, Patrick to Spongebob, or Pippen to Jordan. When Jesus healed the sick, Peter was there. When Jesus was preaching, he was the assistant. When He fed the thousands, Peter was the waiter. When Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah during the transfiguration, he was an eyewitness. Peter probably got the most medals if Jesus gave out an “Apostle of the Week” award.

However, his low point came when he denied Jesus. Faced with the possibility of being arrested and crucified, he denied his Master. He denied Him three times. For most of us, that is a sign of weakness. The once outstanding apostle became a failure. Was it time to throw away the “Apostle of the Week” trophies, medals or certificates? Was it down-hill for Peter from hereon?

Nope. Not for God because Jesus saw it differently. He knew there was something special in Peter. Yes, Peter denied Him. But God looks beyond what an ordinary man perceives as a weakness. God sees the bigger picture. God’s definition of failure is different. He knew Peter would be a solid foundation. He saw him as a solid rock.

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of death will not overcome it.” – Matthew 16:18

Jesus gave Peter a special mission. He made Peter the head of His church. The Church grew because of this rock. The Church grew because of other men and women like Peter. The Church continues to grow because of so called “failures” like Peter.

Can you recall a personal experience where you failed?

I can. Most of us do. Every time we give into our habitual sin, we fail. When we can’t forgive a friend who offended us, we fail. Or when you chose to watch a movie on a Sunday instead of attending Mass. Every time we prefer to share gossip instead of an inspirational verse, we fail. Plus a lot more situations. You are like Peter in these situations because you also “denied” Jesus. So you ask yourself – “can God love a failure like me?”

I’ve got great news for you. Jesus looks beyond what we call failure. He sees something special in you. He wants to use you for His church. All He needs to hear is your “YES”. Jesus just wants you to believe and follow Him.

Be a rock for God. Have a blessed day!