Monday, November 4, 2013



Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly. - Romans 12:6


I once had a wound in my right big toe. It wasn’t a big wound but the cut was deep. It bled for some minutes before I was able to stop it. But my worries didn’t end there because the pain stayed on. The discomfort was too much that I had to make a few adjustments. I stopped wearing closed shoes for a couple of days. I avoided activities that required long walks and I was more cautious about the things around me so that I wouldn’t accidently bump my wounded toe. The wound bothered me for a number of days. It was amazing how a small wound located in a trivial part of my body could create a big impact on my daily routine. 


This is similar to our individual roles in the church or community. We may think that our role is insignificant. We may think that we don’t create any impact. If we don’t hold any leadership position or aren’t part of any ministry, we assume that our absence won’t matter. 


But each one of us has a role to fulfill in the church. There are no big or small roles. Like the wound on my toe, the whole body is affected if one “small” part is not working properly. Be involved in your church so that the Body of Christ may function like a well-oiled machine.  

Alvin Fabella (

Reflection: Are you doing your part in building up the Church of Jesus and are you doing it well?

originally posted