About this BLOG

This blog is all about short tales worth telling and inspiring bible verses to uplift your spiritual being.

People love following celebrities like actors, athletes, politicians, a famous writer, etc.

We follow their stories in social media sites, newspaper articles, TV show and other forms of media. We want to be updated on what they are doing. We get excited with their updates. We want to read what's on their mind. As you follow them we slowly become like them. We think like them. We make our decisions based on how our favorite celebrity would react. We become like the one we decide to follow.

The greatest book and bestseller says that we were made in His image and likeness. 

Genesis 1:27 "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him" 

Your DNA is special. We were made by Him and we should live for Him. Don't be satisfied following other men. Follow the one that matters. 

Make a decision to follow Jesus NOW!