Tuesday, February 16, 2021


We are afraid to die because of the unknown things that death brings.

The extreme case of this fear is called thanatophobia.
It’s when the fear of death already affects your daily life.
But the good thing about death is its ability to tell us what truly matters.
I read an article about the top regrets of the dying & here’s the top 5.
1. Living life based on the expectations of others.
2. Working too hard.
3. Not having the courage to express one’s feelings.
4. “I should have stayed in touch with my friends”
5. “I wish that I had let myself be happier”

When death stares us in the face we realized what life is all about.

What's the best way to remove that fear?
Before I give a talk, I rehearse it a couple of times. That helps me to calm down. That lessens my fear of public speaking. Before I attend an important meeting with a client, I do a mock meeting with my team. That helps us prepare better.

I think that applies to most things that we fear.
Practice makes perfect but it also controls your fear.
To lessen or remove the fear in something it's best to rehearse, do a trial or a practice run first.
What?! Practice dying? Is that even possible?


By making the most out of #Lent2021.
Because Lent is like dying too.
Lent, like death, strips us of things that we don't need.
Lent makes us focus on The One that we really need.
1. Fasting & abstinence strips us of our excessive cravings. It reminds us that a simple meal is enough.
2. Almsgiving strips us of our greed to hold on to money. It allows us to be a blessing to others.
3. Spending more time in prayer strips us of our ‘Me Time’. It builds up your relationship with God.
Lent takes away the non-essentials & allows us to focus on things that truly matter.
Do you want to avoid near death regrets?
Do you want to be ready for death?
Do you want to remove your fear of dying?
Then live your life now as it was meant to be live.
Don’t follow this world’s YOLO (you only live once) principle.
Instead, live life to the fullest as Jesus defines it.
Live your life based on God's plan for your life.
Lent is an opportunity to look closer at our lives so we can make the right changes before it's too late.
Always remember that death is not about losing. It’s about winning because we are already victorious in the name of Jesus.

"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, & the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

May God bless your week! - alvinfabella@yahoo.com


Shocking? Read along first & let me explain.

One has to go back to the Maker if you want to know the primary purpose of the one made.

God made you & me. You were made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26 says, "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ...."

What is this image of God?
What is His essence?

It’s all about LOVE. Because "GOD IS LOVE"(1 John 4:8). LOVE exists because of God. The only reason why we can LOVE is "because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19). God chose to love you before He made the world. Ephesians 1:4 says, "...he chose us in Him before the foundation of the world"

That's it!

The FIRST reason why God made you is to LOVE you!
That's your FIRST purpose.

The good things that you do for God like obeying, worshipping, serving, loving Him back or GIVING God anything is your response to God's LOVE for you.

Your FIRST purpose is ALWAYS to RECEIVE LOVE from God.
That's why He made you!

So, when you find it hard to pray.
When service or mission work feels too tiring.
When obedience looks impossible.
When worship seems boring.
When loving God with your all is too hard.....
Go back to your FIRST PURPOSE by simply saying to Him, "Lord, payakap naman pls" (Lord, please embrace me).
"I am ready to receive your love."
That will restore your soul.
That will recharge your body.
That will refresh your mind.
That will fill up your heart.
That will enable up to PRAY, SERVE, OBEY & LOVE God.
That will allow you to meet your FIRST purpose.

My friend, allow God to LOVE you. You were made for God's love.
God bless your week! - alvinfabella@yahoo.com