Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I don’t like waiting. 

It is interesting that the Bible is filled with stories of waiting.
  • Noah and his family waited for the rain to stop - "For forty days and forty nights heavy rain poured down on the earth." (Genesis 7:12, NAB)
  • The Israelites took 40 years of waiting before reaching their destination - "The Israelites ate the manna for forty years, until they came to settled land" (Exodus 16:35, NAB)
  • Simeon waited for Jesus because he knew that the prophecy will be fulfilled – "Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel" (Luke 2:25, NAB) 
Most of us don’t like waiting. 

Ironically, we hate waiting but we prefer to delay things. We procrastinate. We set aside our plans. We assume that we are in total control of everything. 

(c) macfabella2014
Let me share with you a fact. We are not in control! We cannot assume that what we chose to delay can still be done tomorrow. We don’t even know if we will wake up tomorrow. I apologize for that horrible thought. But, that is the truth. We don’t control everything.

I had a friend back in college. He was a good person. He was very intelligent. Everyone in our batch expected him to graduate with Honors. We believed that he would end up in one of the big multinational firms. My batchmates thought he had everything. I thought otherwise. I knew that he had one thing lacking. He did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. My solution was simple, to share about Jesus to my friend.

I chose to delay that simple solution. I felt that we were young and we had a lot of time. We should prioritize our education, go for a successful career and build a family first. Then, we can talk about Jesus.

The last part never happened.

A few months after our graduation my friend was diagnosed with Cancer. I visited him at the hospital and saw how weak he was. I was told that his body was deteriorating fast. My friend died a couple of days after I visited him. I was not able to share Jesus to him. 

Friends, what are you waiting for?

Share Jesus to someone you know. Do not delay! Do it now! 
Have a blessed day! - alvinfabella@yahoo.com

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. – Matthew 16:2
I woke up to the loud sound of rain. The drizzle that began the previous night hadn’t stopped and had become even stronger. I turned on the TV and checked the Internet to confirm if classes were suspended. Unfortunately, they were not. 

As I drove my kids to their school, we had to contend with the downpour. The traffic was heavy due to flooded areas and stalled vehicles. I had to stay calm in the midst of the constant complaints of my kids that they were late and why classes were not suspended. I thought my problems had ended when I finally dropped them off at school. I was wrong. My bad day continued as the route to my office was congested. After being motionless in traffic for 20 minutes, I got a call from my wife. She got a call from the kids’ school that classes had been suspended five minutes earlier! I had to go through all that trouble for nothing. 

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples about the suffering He will face. He went through all the pain because of His great love for us. Let’s not allow His sacrifice to end up just for nothing. Let’s follow His commandments and live the life He wants us to live.  

Alvin Fabella (alvinfabella@yahoo.com)


Friday, June 13, 2014


And he stayed two full years... preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered. – Acts 28:30-31 

I thought my parents would “slow down” in their church and community service when they officially became “senior” citizens. I thought they would prefer a more relaxed lifestyle. They have been serving God in various capacities for more than 20 years already. I believe that they deserve the break.

But they have proven me wrong. They continue to be members of not just one but two Catholic Charismatic communities. They travel to Naga City regularly as part of their service to the community. They lead evangelistic events, give talks and provide guidance to the local leaders. Their love for God continues to inspire me and others.

In today’s reading, St. Paul was already in exile. He had every reason to slow down since he was already in prison. He could assume that God would understand his situation. Yet, he continued to preach and teach to the people around him. His current situation did not stop him from doing God’s work. His life is proof that God can use us no matter how limited we think we are. 



Wednesday, April 30, 2014

YOU ARE PERFECT.....but not yet

There is one thing common in the stories of the Bible. God loves working with people who are considered "weak" or imperfect. Abraham was old, Moses was a murderer, Zacchaeus was small, Jacob was a liar, Thomas doubted, the long list goes on & on.

The men in the list may be considered weak but they delivered. They delivered not by their own strength but by the power of Him who sent them.

God loves working with people who are "weak". All of us are weak. Not on the same particular area. Each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses. The good news is that we have a God who wants to perfect us.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness". I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.

We are perfected not by our standards but by God's standards. There are three points on how God perfects us. 

1. God perfects us through our hurts
2. God perfects us through our fears
3. God perfects us through His love

First, God perfects us through our hurts.
  • Jesus was not spared from being hurt. In fact, it was thru His passion that He was able to bring forth our salvation. The same is thru with us. We may experienced pain and trials yet we still come out victorious. It may not end up as we wanted it but later on it turns out to be a blessing.
  • When my friend Rene started to have a personal relationship with Jesus their family experience a difficult trial. His mother was diagnosed with cancer! It was ironic that it happened at this phase in his life. Their home became gloomy, his faith challenge. But that moment of grief became a moment for joy as close friends started to pray with him, his leader would visit their house to pray for his mother. Eventually his mom was healed.
  • God perfects us through our hurts.

Secondly, God perfects us through our fears.
  • Moses is an example of a fearful man. When God asked Him to talk to the Pharaoh his reply to God was full of questions – "what should I say? who should I say sent me? How can I speak I am not a gifted speaker?"
  • Moses had a lot of fears but He followed God anyway. God was working in his life and he was able to lead God’s people to the promise land. He was fearful but he was obedient to God.
  • Rene's wife Merlyn shared to me her fears when she felt the worsening pain in her knee. She had to undergo a series of tests to determine the cause of the pain. She was fearful but she followed all the instructions of her doctors. She moved from one doctor to another and would often hear them say the phrases - "tumor", "cannot be fixed", "sorry I can't do anything". This made her nights stressful. But after enough consultations she got the final word that no surgery is needed. Truly, God was working with her every step of the way. 
  • God perfects us through our fears   

Lastly, God perfects us through His love.

  • This is the last point but is the most important fact. Our imperfection allows us the opportunity to love one another. When we realized the weakness of one person we should go out of our way to help that person in the area where he is weak. A sick person needs caring, a sad person needs to share laughter with another person, a desperate person needs someone who can spend time with him or her. A person who does not believe in God needs to hear God’s word. 
  • When we express love to one another it is also an expression of God's love passing through us. All of this is possible because of His perfect love. It is the same love that drives Rene to be the best father to his family. The same love that moves Merlyn to serve her family every day. It is the same love that drove Jesus to the cross and die for us. God loves us and His love perfects us.
  • We are weak & imperfect, yet God perfects us through His love.

God wants us to be perfect because He wants us to be His children. A perfect God & Father results to perfect children. We are perfected not by our might and skills but by His love for all of us. 

May you all have a blessed week!


Friday, April 18, 2014


Jesus was both God and man. 

He experienced pain being a man like all of us. Good Friday was one of His painful moments. It was the darkest and most painful day of His life. His death showed a bleak future for God’s chosen people. Maybe most of His followers already gave up. Maybe they thought - “its over”.  The man they believed to be Messiah failed in His mission.

Jesus foretold his disciples the pain and difficulty that He will have to undergo. In Luke 18:33 we read - “and after they have scourged him they will kill him, but on the third day he will rise.”

Let us recall what happened in the first Good Friday and relate it to our own moments of pain. What should a Christian's attitude be towards pain?

There are 3 points that we can consider.
  1. Accept the fact that there are no exemptions
  2. Always look forward to the resurrection
  3. Use your experience to understand others

Point number one - "Accept the fact that there are no exemptions"

You may already be a follower of Christ. But that does not make you exempted from trials. The apostles of Jesus left everything for Him. They left everything and followed Jesus. Yet, they were persecuted, stoned, tortured, some crucified and killed. 

Mary said yes to follow God's will. She was sinless. She obeyed God all the time. But she experienced extreme pain as she personally witnessed how her Son was tortured. She was there at the moment of Jesus' last breath. She was not spared from pain.

Even Jesus, the son of God, had to undergo pain. God does not promise a pain-free life here on earth.

This leads us to point number two - "Always look forward to Easter".

Jesus' enemies were able to put Him in the grave on Friday. They must have celebrated big time that day. They did not expect the coming miracle on Sunday. Easter proved that the grave could not hold Jesus. Death was not the end for Him. On the third day, Jesus came out of the grave victorious!

Maybe you heard the quote that says - "what does not kill you makes you stronger". This is what pain brings to our life. Trials makes us stronger and closer to God. Resurrection teaches us that God will always finish what he started. No matter how dark it looks, no matter how hopeless it appears, no matter how long it has been, no matter how many people are letting you down, simply have faith. God will take you through Good Friday to Sunday. You will reach Easter because God always brings it to completion.

You might have the same recollection from your past issues too. When you were in the midst of pain you thought it was already the end for you. But now, you look back and smile. 

The last point is this - " Use your experience to love others".

Christians are not called to dwell on their pain forever. God allows us to undergo pain so that we may feel the pain of others. We should be a source of comfort most specially to those who are experiencing a similar trial to what we had in the past. Cancer patients relate more to Cancer survivors. Broken relationships heals faster when you a comforted by someone from a broken family.

Pain calls us to love and God is love.

This simply means that God is present in our pain because He exudes perfect love. The next time you ask yourself "where is God in the midst of my pain?", look at the cross. The cross reminds us that God is there in the very midst of our pain.

If you are going through a dark time now, always look forward to the day of resurrection. Be firm and believe that God will soon cause you to "rise up".

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your resurrection. We want to focus on you. Our situation may look bad, with no sign of hope but our faith in you will bring us out into the light. We pray for your Holy Spirit to be our source of encouragement. Amen!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more." - John 8:11

I wish I had posted a “Do Not Disturb” sign on my forehead that day. I was cramming for a major presentation the next day. My imaginary “D-N-D” sign seemed to work until my 10-year-old son, Jason, started this conversation.

Jason: Papa, can we play Wii? I need a good partner to beat the opponent in the new game. 
Me : OK, but can I go back to my laptop from time to time? 
Jason: Hmm... how much time do you need to finish that? 
Me : Forty-five minutes. But I can play with you now and work on it during the breaks in the game.
Jason: Nope, better finish that first. I need you to focus. I need your focus on the game so we can win. 

That conversation reminded me that whatever we focus on grows. If we focus on the sin, there is a high chance that we will fall into it or feel more unworthy before God. In today’s Gospel, Jesus encourages the woman not to focus on the sin. Instead, He wants her to focus on God’s love. That is the right attitude if we want to follow God. - alvinfabella@yahoo.com

originally posted on: http://kerygmafamily.com/modules/dailyreadings/read.php?date=2014-04-07


Monday, March 17, 2014

BEAUTY & BRAVERY are the Traits of this Young Lady

"You need to deliver this baby now!" 

Those were the words of the OB Gynecologist last March 18, 14 years ago.

The doctor continued with her explanation, "the amniotic fluid is low. if we don't deliver the baby now the umbilical cord might strangle her when Christine experiences contractions." 


I tried to spell out the word in my mind but realized that it was simpler to spell "o-k". So, I looked at my wife and we immediately said - "Ok, lets do it!". We scheduled the c-section delivery that day and we saw your angelic face a few hours later.

And that was how you came into this world.

I always believe that you were a brave girl. 
  • I can imagine your reaction when you noticed that the fluid in the womb was slowly running out - "no water, no problem. Today is a great day to come out!"
  • at age 9, you dived into a 15-foot deep pool. I held my breath until you I saw you float and swim like a pro.
  • You tried the zip line during your first youth camp at age 10. It was tooooo fast! I failed to take a good picture but I will always treasure that scene in my mind.
  • at age 12, we walked the outer rim of the 37th floor of Cebu Skywalk Tower. I was not afraid for you because my own fear of heights kept my mind busy.
  • and most recently, at age 13, you gave your personal testimony about God during a retreat in front of your friends and participants.

Maybe you were nervous in these situations. But, I believed that you made a decision to do them because of your trust in Jesus. You looked at fear in the eye and said - "lets do it!". You often say to me that you tend to panic too much. I believe otherwise. You are truly a brave person.

May you continue to shine for Jesus my princess. I pray that you grow up to be the person that God meant you to be when he created you.

You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady. Looking 98% percent like your pretty mom. The 2% is from me because you have my eyelash and my last name.

Your mom and I love you dearly, but our God loves you more. Your brother admires you. Your extended family & friends loves you. 

Have a great birthday Mac!

Monday, March 10, 2014


"For he has called upon the Most High God, who gave strength to his right arm,..." - Sirach 47:5

"You need an operation next week so we can immediately remove the lump in your left breast." Those were the words of my mother's surgeon when she came in to have her mammogram results interpreted. My parents tried to remain calm. They asked for a couple of days to think about it before finalizing the operation date.

Our family discussed the matter and agreed to seek a second opinion. We stormed the heavens with our prayers. We also requested prayers from our community.

We got more confused after seeing two more doctors. They had conflicting views about her condition. They were referred to another doctor and my parents decided to see him. They agreed to accept whatever this doctor recommended. Our family prayed for God's will to be done. We got God's answer when we heard my father share the doctor's diagnosis - "Your mother doesn't need to undergo surgery. Let's just check on her condition every six months but no need to worry for now."

David was a young, inexperienced warrior and he only had a slingshot. He was considered weaker than the other regular soldiers. But, when he called upon God, just like we did, not even a giant could beat him. - alvinfabella@yahoo.com

originally posted in Kerygma Family - http://kerygmafamily.com/modules/dailyreadings/read.php?date=2014-02-07

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


On that day they will sing this song in the land of Judah: Trust in the Lord forever! For the Lord is an eternal Rock. – Isaiah 26:1,4


It was the birthday of Tess, a sister in community, that day. Her birthday coincided with our community’s monthly assembly. So Tess received a shower of personal greetings and honoring from brothers and sisters. I am sure she also had a lot of greetings via text, email and phone calls that day.

But one of the more special greetings she received that day was a song. Around 15 kids from our community lined up in front of her to sing for her. Each of them also offered her a flower. I saw the glow on her face as the kids sang.

What song did the kids render? Nothing extraordinary. They sang the regular version of “happy birthday!” It was a simple and familiar song. A performance by kids with zero rehearsal but offered with sincerity and love. The offering was simple but the joy it gave Tess was incredible.

I think offering a song to God also makes the same impact. It allows the one offering the song the chance to present his sincere love to God in another form. As the saying goes, “One who offers a song to God in worship prays twice.” - Alvin Fabella (alvinfabella@yahoo.com)

this reflection article was originally posted in http://kerygmafamily.com/modules/dailyreadings/read.php?date=2013-12-05