Sunday, November 20, 2016


Luke 21:2 "and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins"

There are 3 phrases that are worth reflecting in the above verse.

  • “he noticed” - God sees everything. Whether it’s a small or big act, God sees it. In the same respect whether it’s a small or big sin, God will see it. 
  • “a poor widow” - We are like this woman but in various ways. Maybe we are poor financially, spiritually, troubled by health concerns or experienced broken relationships. We are all “poor” but God can still use us if we are willing.
  • “two small coins” - This phrase is relative. The “two small coins” may not be significant to others but it may be all that the widow had. How much of your life have you given to God? Are you giving from your excess resources or are you giving "until it hurts"?

God gave up His only Son to save us. May we give most our life to God including our brokenness. 

May we learn to surrender everything to God. Because God is always in control. As Psalms 46:11 declares - “Be still and know that I am God!