Monday, February 12, 2018


“The fever left her... – Mark 1:31

My 10-year-old nephew, Heinz, was diagnosed with Wilms tumor last January 27, 2017. This is a common type of kidney cancer in children. The doctor reviewed the CT scan results and explained to my brother how serious the condition was. He recommended that Heinz undergo surgery in two to three days to remove one of his kidneys. The tumor will then undergo biopsy to determine what stage the cancer is.

Tumor. Surgery. Removal of kidney. Cancer stage. Chemotherapy. Radiation. All these words came as a shock to our family, especially since it involves a 10-year-old boy. We had no option but to pray to God.

The surgery was done as scheduled and was successful. We got the biopsy results five days later, and the findings surprised us. The tumor was benign! It was an extremely rare case of hemangioma, a benign tumor composed of blood vessels only. Heinz was cancer-free!

Do you need a miracle now? Approach Jesus and trust in His powerful intervention. -

Reflect: What miracles has God done for you lately?

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