Thursday, June 24, 2021


“Don’t touch me!”

“Keep your distance.”

“Stay at least 6 feet away. But if it's windy make that 150 feet.”

This post is not about Covid-19 protocols. Those words are what someone would say to a leper during the time of Jesus.

In today's Gospel, a leper defied all the rules.
Maybe he was desperate. Maybe he was tired of being isolated from society.
He knew that he would violate the law if he approach Jesus. The crowd might even beat him up to death.
Also, if Jesus touch him then Jesus too would defy the law. The people at that time, believed that if you came into contact with a leper you would be 'unclean'.
Will the crowd allow him to approach Jesus? Will Jesus touch him?
The odds were totally against him.

Yet, he did what he had to do. Then he was healed!

"..a leper came to him & knelt before him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.'" - Matthew 8:2

He said one line & he was healed! “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean."

Nine simple words & he experienced a miracle.
But if you look closer, his words were more than a mere request.
“Lord, if you will, you can make me clean."
You can divide that line into 3 powerful phrases.

  • “Lord” - A lot of those in the crowd were still in doubt who Jesus was. Some of them wanted more proof. Several didn’t believe that this carpenter’s son was God. That was not the case for the leper. For him, Jesus was his Lord. The leper had no problem declaring that in front of the crowd. He knew who Jesus was.
  • “if you will” - The leper wanted to be healed but he was willing to accept God’s will. “If you will” was the leper's way of saying “I need healing but you’re my God & I will accept what you want for me”. He was desperate but he knew that God’s will is always superior than his own desires.
  • you can make me clean" - Faith. That’s what the leper had. Leprosy was considered a lifetime curse during those times. It was an incurable disease. But the leper believed that Jesus can heal him. This was easy peasy for Jesus. He knew that nothing was impossible with God. That's faith!

The words of the leper were more than just words. Because of this, “immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” (Matthew 8:3)

Is there something unclean in your life now?
Is it making your feel worse each day? Is it keeping you away from others?
That's SIN.
“STAY AWAY FROM ME!" That's what you should say to sin.
Because sin makes you feel isolated. Sin makes you feel worse.
Sin makes you feel like you're garbage that has to be kept away from others.
Sin kills you slowly each passing day.
Get rid of sin in your life.
Go to Jesus & be healed! Be cleansed by the Holy Spirit.

Declare to others who Jesus is for you. Accept God’s will. Have faith in Him.

Have a blessed & awesome weekend! - 


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