Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Traffic na naman! Should I complain or compose a note?

I chose the latter so here it goes.

I saw a billboard along NLEX on my way home. It read "Ano plano mo? Usap tayo". "What's your plan? Let's talk." Short, catchy & direct to the point. That's the tagline of an insurance company.

Some of us love to plan. Some of us don't. Maybe you find it a waste of time specially if your plans in the past did not happen as you "planned". :-)

Pwede din yan ang tanong ng Diyos sa iyo. "Anong plano mo? Usap tayo." How often do you consult God before you proceed with your plan?

I remember, several years ago, a friend told me about a job offer that fell on this lap. He had a good job at that time. His job allowed him to provide well for his family. He love his wife & kids so he spent a lot of time with them. But the salary offer was almost double his current pay. Too tempting. Plus, it had perks that the current job did not have - car plan, performance bonus & the works. He asked me if he should take the offer. I replied with 3 words - "Pray about it". He smiled & then we parted ways.

I did not get an update from him. The days became weeks. The weeks became months, still no update.

One day I got a text from an unknown number asking if I knew an annulment lawyer. I got a followup text from the same number before I could reply to the first message. It was my friend. I was in a meeting so I simply replied with "ano nangyari?" (what happened?)

The reply was disheartening.

"I did not pray about it. I accepted the offer. Work made me too busy. Became a workaholic. Had an affair at work. Wife & kids don't want me in their lives"

Sad news indeed. I don't know what happened after our conversation. Planning is good but praying is powerful.

Remember, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "pray without ceasing". Pray all the time.

"Usap tayo tayo." (Let's talk) That's God's message for you. Pray to Him. God misses you.

- alvinfabella@yahoo.com

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