Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Do you want to enter heaven?

The first key is to love Jesus. The second key is to Rejoice in your Relationships.

Huh? What?? Relationships? Isn't it about being baptized, studying the bible, going to church or immediately going to confession right after you break one of the 10?

Let's recall what Jesus said. He gives us two commandments - Love God & love others. If we follow these two then the other things I mentioned (i.e. going to mass, baptism, etc) follows as our expressions of the two commandments.

We need to rejoice in our relationships. Why?

First, because Jesus says so. Let's look at what God says in the bible.
  • "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39). Simple and direct to the point. No explanation needed here.
  • When Cain killed his brother Abel, God asked him "Where is your brother Abel? He answered, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9) God was saying to him (and to all of us) you are accountable for your brother. You should take care of your relationships.
  • In John 15:13 it says, No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.
There are more verses about loving others. We rejoice in our relationships because Jesus commands us. And whatever Jesus says, we follow. No matter how hard it is, we follow.

The second reason why we rejoice in our relationships is because we need each other. We need others because they will push us to do better. 

  • When you feel down, who helps you to rise up?
  • When you want to quit attending Church, who encourages you?
  • When you think its better to join your “other” friends party that evening than your prayer meeting who calls you to remind you to attend the prayer meeting?

We need each other because we are weak.

Lastly, we rejoice in our relationships because we have a relationship with God. That alone is more than enough reason to celebrate. However, we sometimes fall and break this relationship with Jesus. It is our most important relationship yet we don't give it priority. Sometimes we ignore it. Worst, we offend God and break the relationship. How should we handle this?

Lets take a look at Peter. He was with Jesus for three years. They were friends. In fact, very close friends. He was his mentor. Jesus trusted him with His Church. But on the day Jesus was arrested, Peter denies Jesus three times. He runs away, hides and feels guilty. Too much guilt he just wanted to go back to his old ways of fishing.

Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing" (John 21:3)

Peter was going back to fishing after leaving this profession three years ago. He was leaving because he broke his relationship with Jesus. He felt alone. Maybe in his mind he thought - "I'm a failure. I'll just go back to my old self". Don't we all feel the same when fail God.

But the story does not end there. One day, they meet again. Maybe Peter was nervous. Maybe Jesus would reprimand Peter for what he did. Anyway, Jesus had every right to do so after what Peter did. 

God proves us wrong. It was nothing like we expected.

Jesus said to them, "Come have breakfast." (John 21:12)

Jesus initiates the action and invites Peter to a meal. No mentioned of the denial. No condemnation. No hate. All love.

That is how Jesus values His relationship with you. Go to Him today and talk to Him.

- alvinfabella@yahoo.com

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