Do you love junk food?
A lot of us do. Isn’t Netflix better with potato chips?
Most junk food looks good. Their manufacturers spend a lot of money to make them look awesome.
They are easily available. You won’t missed them when you enter to any store. Their prices are usually lower compared to healthier options.
They taste great. They contain lots of salt, sugar & artificial flavors which makes them delicious.
We crave for them. We become addicted to them.
However, their effects don't last.
They fill us up but after a short while our hunger is back.
Their ingredients give us that "feel good” mood. But these feelings also don’t last.
Our lives can be like that too.
We feel “hungry" so we try to fill it up.
Sadly, we fill it up with earthly “junk".
We think that earthly junk makes us look great. Think expensive cars, houses, clothing & others.
We think that it’s easily available. Does bank loans or buy-now-pay-later schemes sound familiar?
We think that these will make us "happy & feel good". Maybe for a couple of weeks, at most a few months.
But like junk food, earthly junk also don’t lasts.
What can we do to fill up our hunger? Try PRAYER.
Prayer SATISFIES OUR HUNGER the right way.
We must SATISFY OUR HUNGER with God.
God fills up the emptiness of our lives.
As St. Augustine said, "Our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
We must REST IN GOD.
Pray often. Saint Paul encourages us to “pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
We may be very tired. Maybe we don’t feel like talking to Him.
God is always ready to spend time with us.
Jesus is ready to listen even to our silence.
Let’s not waste our time with earthly junk.
Let’s waste time with Jesus.
Have a great weekend & enjoy eating your potato chips….but have it in moderation 

God bless FB friends! -
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