Today’s reading says, "Wash yourselves clean!” (Isaiah 1:16) That’s so apt given our current situation with Covid-19. That might be God speaking to us directly.
But there's something more terrifying than any virus this world has known - SIN.
Sin has existed longer than any other sickness. The problem is we tend to take sin lightly. It's not in the news or social media. We don't talk about it & even hide it. But we need to be reminded that sin is more dangerous. It separates us from God, it harms us, it makes us harm others & most of all SIN KILLS! Romans 6:23 says that, “the wages of sin is death.” This Covid-19 will be gone one day but the consequences of sin is for eternity.
What’s the right approach towards sin?
The first step is to be humble. We need to accept the fact that we cannot overcome sin by our own strength.
"Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted” - Matthew 23:12
We need to be humble & ask God to heal us. God is all powerful but HE won’t force us to return to Him. God needs us to be willing & open to accept HIS love.
"If you are willing, & obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse & resist, the sword shall consume you: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken!" - Isaiah 1:19-20
God is always ready to take us back. Repent. Take advantage of this season of grace called #lent. If you’re Catholic go to confession. Remember, no matter how big your sin is, God's love for you will always be bigger.
"Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool" - Isaiah 1:18
Be aware of the virus but be more afraid of sin. May God bless your week! -
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