One day, out of curiosity, I Googled what my name meant. My first name "Joseph" translates to “he will expand”. Galing! That was a good start. Let's try my second name. Google said that "Alvin" meant “a friend of elves”. Wait, what? The good start came crashing down. Let's try my middle name "Martin". I found out that my middle name is based on the god of war Mars & it meant "war/warlike”. Cool! Sounds like an Avenger. Now, we are back on track. I hope my last name's meaning will end with a bang! I typed "Fabella", tap search & waited for the reply.
"fabella is a small fibrocartilage ossified in many animals and sometimes in humans in the tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle, behind one or both of the femoral condyles."
Simply put “fabella” meant a small bone like thingy. 

My name literally translates to someone who will enlarge & be-friend elves. I am warlike but I am an insignificant small bone-like thingy. My name meaning felt like a roller coaster ride. It went up, down, up & down again 🙂
Names are important. There's a man in the Bible called Abram. I think he had a cool name because "Abram" meant "exalted father". Ang ganda di ba? But I also think Abram felt a bit embarassed during roll calls. Because for 80+ years people called him “exalted father” yet Abram did not have a single child. Then at 99 years old, God renames Abram.
"No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.” - Genesis 17:5
God adds two letters to his name - “H-A”. Baka yan di reaction ni Abram sa Diyos noong araw na iyon - “HA?” Is God being funny?
"HA?" From “exalted father” to "father of a multitude of nations”, yet Abram did not have a legal child. (He had a child by a slave when he was 86 years old but let's discuss that on another day)
Maybe Abram asked God, "HA? Sure ka ba? Me, father of multitude? How can this be? I am 99 years old & my wife is 90 yrs old already. Isn't it too late to start a family now? This is impossible!"
Is anything impossible with God? None. Because a year after Sarah gives birth to Isaac (Genesis 21:3). And that was the start of the multitude that God promised.
We have different names. God creates each of us for a specific assignment.
" For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them" - Ephesians 2:10
Your name may sound great. Your name may sound funny. Your name may have no meaning. What's important is we bear the same name. We all carry the last name of our Father! Because God has adopted us as His children when we accepted Jesus. Ephesians 1:5 says "he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will".
So, what do we do with His Name that we carry? Isa lang po. WE KEEP IT HOLY.
When Jesus taught us how to pray, he said "This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name" - Matthew 6:9
What does HALLOWED OR HOLY BE YOUR NAME mean? We cannot add anything to the HOLINESS of God. Kahit ano pa gawin natin. God is God. His holiness is whole already. Why do we pray "holy be your name" if we cannot add to His holiness?
We need to remember that everything that we do points back to God because we carry His Name. We carry God's last name because we are His child. When we pray "holy be Your Name" we are not praying for God but we are praying that we keep His name holy! That is the more important name. Our Spiritual name is far more superior to our biological or legal name.
This LENT, may we be extra careful in everything we do. May we always remember that whatever we do points back to who God is. Before doing anything always ask yourself - WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Let's be proud & declare to the world this truth - ANAK AKO NG DIYOS! Have a blessed weekend! -
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