Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Did you ever feel like the odd person in a group?

I felt that way when I had a discussion with some friends about same sex marriage. I was surprised that most of them found nothing wrong about it. Maybe you were like me and the topic made you sad. Some of us became angry. Then you asked yourself - "what is happening to the world?". Maybe you even started to judge others.

The easy way out is to insulate ourselves from those who don't share our principles. You might prefer to isolate yourself and insulate from them because you don't want to be part of this world anymore. You begin to feel awkward about the situation because you became the odd one.

We forget the truth that Jesus said that His "kingship is not from the world."
(John 18:36). As His followers, we should also believed that this is not our world. Yet we are called not to isolate, but to continue to relate especially to those who oppose our views.  It may feel awkward or uncomfortable. We may feel that we are the minority or the odd person in the group. We may convince them to change their mind and agree with us. Or we may fail. But what's important is we standby the truth. Jesus wants us to "carry our cross" (Matthew 16:24) daily, and facing difficult issues like this is part of our cross.

All we can do is have faith in God because He is always in control even if we don't see it. May we continue to stand for what is right & "be the light in this world" (Matthew 5:14).

Remember, God is always in control!


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