Tuesday, January 6, 2015


God is a god a new beginnings.

  •  We read in the Old Testament how God re-started civilization because man became so wicked. HE asked Noah to build an ark because he will send a flood to end the old and start a new (Genesis 6:13-14). 
  • Jesus Christ offers a new beginning to the adulterous woman by saying - “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11).  
  • Paul was on the way to Damascus when he was blinded by a bright light (Acts 9:3). He was on the way to persecute more Christians. That experience was the start of a new ministry for him. The ministry to spread Jesus to others.

God gives you the chance for a new beginning every day. Will you take on His offer and start changes in your life?

Here are three tips that you might consider if you want to start changes in your life this year.

1.   Make Jesus part of your plans

Review your plans for this year. Maybe it includes getting that long delayed job promotion, or buying your own car, or going to your dream vacation.

These are not bad things in themselves. But sometimes we forget to include Jesus in any of them. All Christian are called to love God first at all times. This means that God should be part of everything that we do or plan for. God is a big God and He can be present in everything we do.

So instead of just planning for a vacation, pray that you can do something worthwhile in the place where you will go. Maybe you can meet an old friend there who has left the Church. Share about Jesus to your friend. Instead of just aspiring for a promotion, pray for that salary increase so you can give more to Church and to the needy.
Review your list now and make Jesus a part of your new year plans.

2.   Love should be present

The next thing to check is the presence of love in your plans. Do you want to do things this year simply because they are part of your bucket list?

When you love something or someone you will move heaven and earth to accomplish it. This is why love should be part of your plans.

2 Corinthians 13:13 say So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

If you plans are driven by love, you are not only motivated to do them. The accomplishment will also last beyond this year because love remains and is the greatest virtue.

3.   Lastly, discern if your plans are His plans.

We need to pray and reflect if our plans for the year is what God wants for us. He wants the best for us all the time. And God will always make sure that His plans are fulfilled.

Philippians 1:6 I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus

He has a plan for you but the key is that you allow Him to speak to you. Pray regularly. Seek mentors who can guide you. Look at what you do well. These things will help you discern if your plans are His plans.

May you have a blessed new year!

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