Sunday, August 4, 2013


They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over — twelve wicker baskets full. – Matthew 14:20

I was at a fastfood restaurant to eat breakfast. I was already in line when I realized that I didn’t have enough money even for the cheapest value meal. I was about to step out to look for a nearby ATM when it suddenly started raining.

The continuous downpour forced me to stay inside. I just had enough to buy a cup of coffee so I sat down and waited for the rain to stop. A woman approached me and asked if I could be interviewed for a survey. Little did I know that I was about to be blessed that morning.

The woman said they were doing a survey on a new product for the restaurant. She gave me a free sandwich to taste. I was only on my second bite when she gave me another sandwich to try. She told me to compare them. After I gave my comments, she gave me another surprise. She handed me a small token for my participation in the survey.

Similarly, God showed His generosity when He performed the multiplication of bread. After the miracle, they still had 12 full baskets of bread. God was generous in the past and continues to be so up to now. I could only afford a cup of coffee that morning but I ended up with two free sandwiches plus a gift from a stranger! (

Reflection: How many times has God surprised you with a blessing? Recall them and say a prayer of thanks.

this reflection was originally posted at