Sunday, April 14, 2013


You might be familiar with this tagline launched by a popular pizza chain a few years back. I like their slogan – “Hate Late?”. It is easy to "hate" those who are late. Especially if you are the one waiting for the latecomer.

But not Jesus. He loves everyone. Yes, including the "latecomers"!

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There is a story that proves this point. The story is about a man who made a last minute decision more than 2,000 years ago. The man was a thief. He was not known for his good works. In fact, he was crucified that day because of the crime (or maybe crimes) that he committed. The turning point happened when he made a "late" decision in the last moments of his life. He made a decision to change. He made a simple request to the other Man who was also crucified that day.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” – Luke 23:42 

It was a late decision but it was a right one. And the former thief received a great answer.
He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” – Luke 23:43

That reply was awesome. It was like finishing last in a race but you still get a gold medal. It was a reply with a full guarantee because it was declared by the King himself. Jesus showed us that God is beyond time. It is a blessing to know Jesus early in your life. But making a last minute decision to know and love him is just as great.

Did you make that decision already?  
Do you know someone who has not yet made that decision to know and love Him?

Nothing is too late when it comes to Jesus.
Pray for that person. Invite him to church or a christian community. Then allow him enjoy the blessing of knowing Jesus personally.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 5, 2013


When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. – John 21:4

I stared at the picture of a sick child posted in the elevator. The boy was only seven years old and looked very frail. His body was skinny but his tummy was bloated. He had a liver ailment and needed a major operation. Below his picture were contact numbers and a bank account where one can make a donation.

Then I reached my office floor and I stepped out of the elevator unmoved by the child’s plea for help. I justified my reaction by thinking, “A lot of people will read that poster and the child will get enough donations.”

Three weeks later, I received an email from our HR officer. It was about the same sick child. I don’t know what happened to me but I suddenly felt guilty about the way I had acted a few weeks back. I asked forgiveness from God because I didn’t see Jesus in the helpless child. I gave a personal donation and also enjoined a few friends to give.

In today’s reading, the disciples, too, didn’t immediately recognize Jesus. They only realized it was Him when He gave them instructions. Initially, I also didn’t see Jesus in the sick child needing help. I forgot that Jesus said that loving Him includes helping the sick, visiting the prisoner and feeding the hungry. Alvin Fabella (

Reflection: Don’t experience Jesus through prayers and Mass only. Experience His presence when you help others who are in need.

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