Monday, November 4, 2013



Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly. - Romans 12:6


I once had a wound in my right big toe. It wasn’t a big wound but the cut was deep. It bled for some minutes before I was able to stop it. But my worries didn’t end there because the pain stayed on. The discomfort was too much that I had to make a few adjustments. I stopped wearing closed shoes for a couple of days. I avoided activities that required long walks and I was more cautious about the things around me so that I wouldn’t accidently bump my wounded toe. The wound bothered me for a number of days. It was amazing how a small wound located in a trivial part of my body could create a big impact on my daily routine. 


This is similar to our individual roles in the church or community. We may think that our role is insignificant. We may think that we don’t create any impact. If we don’t hold any leadership position or aren’t part of any ministry, we assume that our absence won’t matter. 


But each one of us has a role to fulfill in the church. There are no big or small roles. Like the wound on my toe, the whole body is affected if one “small” part is not working properly. Be involved in your church so that the Body of Christ may function like a well-oiled machine.  

Alvin Fabella (

Reflection: Are you doing your part in building up the Church of Jesus and are you doing it well?

originally posted

Monday, October 21, 2013


The news was shocking!

The pictures that followed the dreadful event were disheartening. 

Baclayon Church in Bohol after the earthquake. Picture courtesy of

Loboc Church (originally built in 1638) and Baclayon Church (first structure built in 1595) are two of the oldest churches in the Philippines. Both churches were heavily damaged that morning of October 15, 2013. The culprit was the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit the province that day. 

I had one realization after going through the multiple pictures posted in the social media network. Nothing in this world will lasts forever. Not even churches that stood firmly like immovable buildings for more than 400 years.  

St. Paul was right when he called us to focus on things that will lasts forever.

"For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen. For what can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever" - 2 Corinthians 4:8

How much time do you spend on things that will not lasts? Are you working extra hours to buy the latest device, car or bigger house?

I am not saying that these things are bad. There is nothing wrong in dreaming big in all areas of your life. But, they became bad when your dream ends with them. They become bad when these things take you away from more important things. Example, are you spending less time with your family to get that promotion?

Our dreams should end with us loving God and others. If we achieved all these temporary things yet we fail to love God and others then we are not fulfilling your purpose. Our tendency is to focus on what is external and temporary instead of things that are not seen yet meant for eternity. The call for us is to focus on what is eternal. We need someone who is beyond time. We need someone who is not here one day but will be gone the next day.

We need to focus on Jesus. He is eternal. More importantly, He is always here to love you. 

** picture courtesy of

Monday, October 14, 2013


Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our lives. Some people feel lost whenever they unintentionally leave behind their phone at their house. I should know. I am one of them. I won't call it addiction. Well, not yet. I am simply maximizing this high tech gadget's potential. There are a lot of things that I do with my phone aside from calling or texting my family and contacts. I see what my friends are up to through social media (Facebook or Twitter). I can read and reply to my emails. I can read Scriptures via my mobile Bible app.  My phone also acts as my GPS device when I am going to a unknown place. I can do bank transactions, take & edit pictures, review notes and a lot more. 

I realized my dependance on this gadget when my work required me to visit another country. I opened my phone upon arrival at the airport and immediately noticed a problem. My telecommunications provider did not have a roaming partner in that country. Simply put, my phone did not have any signal. No phone call, text or Internet for me. The once powerful device was downgraded to a basic camera! The device did not have its usual power because it was not able to connect.

Friends, its the same with our lives. We need to remain connected to Jesus. Life is difficult. But with Jesus we are able to face the trials that come our way.

Jesus clearly states the importance of remaining connected to Him.

"Remain in me as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." - John 15:4

Without Jesus, we are simply ordinary. With Jesus, we are simply amazing.

Stay connected to Jesus. There is no connection charge and grace is unlimited!


Turning to the disciples in private he said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” – Luke 10:23 

Meryll was feeling depressed because she still didn’t have work since she migrated to Canada. She had sent her application to a number of companies but none of them were willing to take a risk on a new migrant like her.

Then one day, I was surprised to see a chat message from her. She relayed to me that she already got a job.

The biggest blessing was that her work at the new company was almost exactly the same as what she had in Manila. This helped her adjust to her work at a much faster pace. She told me that she would no longer question the timing of God. The delay in finding her job was well worth it. She realized that God had just been preparing the “perfect” work for her.

Most of the time, we see events that are happening differently from how God sees them. Our eyes don’t immediately see the purpose behind our circumstances. We may not see yet the blessing in a trial because God is still preparing something better for us. Alvin Fabella (

This reflection was originally posted at

Sunday, August 4, 2013


They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over — twelve wicker baskets full. – Matthew 14:20

I was at a fastfood restaurant to eat breakfast. I was already in line when I realized that I didn’t have enough money even for the cheapest value meal. I was about to step out to look for a nearby ATM when it suddenly started raining.

The continuous downpour forced me to stay inside. I just had enough to buy a cup of coffee so I sat down and waited for the rain to stop. A woman approached me and asked if I could be interviewed for a survey. Little did I know that I was about to be blessed that morning.

The woman said they were doing a survey on a new product for the restaurant. She gave me a free sandwich to taste. I was only on my second bite when she gave me another sandwich to try. She told me to compare them. After I gave my comments, she gave me another surprise. She handed me a small token for my participation in the survey.

Similarly, God showed His generosity when He performed the multiplication of bread. After the miracle, they still had 12 full baskets of bread. God was generous in the past and continues to be so up to now. I could only afford a cup of coffee that morning but I ended up with two free sandwiches plus a gift from a stranger! (

Reflection: How many times has God surprised you with a blessing? Recall them and say a prayer of thanks.

this reflection was originally posted at

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I was not, so I had to look it up. The online Webster defines obstinate as an adjective that means perversely adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion. Simply put, it describes someone who is stubborn and does not change his stand about a particular view despite any effort to convince him.

I remember being an obstinate when I was a child. Specifically, on being a believer of Santa Claus.  I strongly believed in my heart, mind and soul that Santa was true. One day, a classmate told me that he discovered who the “real” Santa was. He whispered the secret to me and I replied with a scream - “No! That can’t be true!” 

I did not believe my classmate. I asked my neighborhood friends and they confirmed what my classmate told me.  I still did not believe them. I decided to ask my mother about it and she replied – “Yes my son, your friends were right.”

A moment of silence followed her statement. (Btw, the truth never affected my view about Christmas because that year I still hung up my socks and expected to receive my gift. :-) ) 

I realized later on that my parents allowed me to believe in Santa so I may learn various life lessons.  One of the important lessons, that I still believe up to now, is that giving is a form of expressing love.

The pharaoh in the book of Exodus was also an obstinate. His mantra was – “I will not release the Israelites”. Nobody can go against his mantra. Not even God.

God, through Moses, told the pharaoh to set the Israelites free. He did not follow. God sent him nine devastating plagues but he continued to have them as slaves. He finally changed his mind after the 10th plague because his son died. The pharaoh let the Israelites go.

However, a couple of verses later he changed his mind again. He ordered the full force of his army to go after the Israelites.

He was an obstinate. Nobody can make him change his mind. Why was he like this?

Because God made him that way. 

“So obstinate had the Lord made Pharaoh that he pursued the children of Israel even while they were marching away in triumph.” - Exodus 14:8 

Maybe a more exact statement is that God allowed him to be that way. 

God can easily send a ball of fire to burn the pharaoh and his army so the people of God can escape his tyranny. Or God can command the ground to open up and swallow the evil ruler. Yet, God allowed him to be obstinate. The release of the Israelites took a long time because the pharaoh was obstinate.

I believe this is where we see the wisdom of God. The delay in the release of the Israelites made them realize how much evil they had in their present state. This also made them appreciate more the redemption that God is giving them.

How does that story apply to you? Are you undergoing a personal problem right now? The problem is so big that you begin to ask God – “Why me?” or “Why does God allow this?”

God can easily grant your prayer request or solve your problem. But why is He allowing you to undergo that trial?

God is allowing the problem to happen for a reason. We may not immediately realize what the reason is but one thing is important. Trust in God’s presence. Trust in Him because He will never abandon you. God fulfilled His promise to free the Israelites and lead them to the Promise land. He will do the same with you.

Have a blessed week!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Or maybe cutting paper with a pair of pliers?

Difficult, right?

Because these tools were design for a different purpose other than what my examples stated. By the way, there is no need to do an experiment on my opening questions. I cannot cover for any injury you might get should you try the experiment :-)

A stapler is a tool for joining pieces of paper. Not for driving a nail into a surface. A pair of pliers is meant for compressing, holding or bending items. It is not for cutting.

When we understand it's purpose, we are able to use it better.

What is your purpose as a Christian? Personally, I have four.
  1. To love & know God  
  2. To love others, especially those in need
  3. To be ready to serve
  4. To be a witness for Jesus
Go over the above list again. 

Are you fulfilling your purpose? Which point do you feel you need to improve on? 

You will be more effective if you know what is your purpose. A Christian's life is not trouble free. However, a Christian should continue to live as what God has designed him to be. 

Have a blessed day!

Friday, June 14, 2013


Here is a hypothetical question - if Jesus was a virus, are you willing to be the carrier?

Most of you would reply with a resounding "YES!".

But the more important question is – do you want to be an efficient virus carrier? An effective carrier is able to transmit the virus from one body to another. An efficient one does the same but with more damage at a lesser amount of time.

Imagine if there was a make believe world where all the virus carriers meet regularly. The top gun virus are those that are able to spread the virus the most, the fastest, those that cause more damage and also those that last the longest.

Why not be a virus for God and fulfill your call?

God calls you to evangelize. 
"He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature'" – Mark 16:15 
God is calling you to evangelize NOW. Not tomorrow. Not in ten years. Not when your problems are over (because problems never end). God calls you to evangelize now. Don’t let the Jesus "virus" end with you. Spread it quickly like a wildfire that burns and consumes a forest.

One last note, evangelization is also our way of thanking Jesus for His love to us. Do you want to thank and love Him back?

Spread Jesus to others. Have a blessed day!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name — he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” – John 14:26

It was the school’s family day and my son’s preschool teacher asked us to participate in one of the games. We were requested to join the sack race relay. Both the parent and child had to be inside the sack while racing against the other parent-child teams. My six-year-old Jason got worried when he saw how the participants kept falling down while doing their individual practices.

“I don’t think we can win, Papa,” he said. It was then that I gave Jason our game strategy. “Hold onto the sack with your two hands, while I carry you in my arms. I’ll do all the jumping while I carry you,” I said.

The strategy worked as I hope it would. Our competitors kept falling while we coasted along smoothly towards victory.

God knows that life is difficult. He personally experienced this when He became man. This is why He sent the Holy Spirit to help us. Allow God to carry you in His arms as you coast along to victory in this game called life. 

Alvin Fabella (

Didache reflection May 5, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013


You might be familiar with this tagline launched by a popular pizza chain a few years back. I like their slogan – “Hate Late?”. It is easy to "hate" those who are late. Especially if you are the one waiting for the latecomer.

But not Jesus. He loves everyone. Yes, including the "latecomers"!

image from
There is a story that proves this point. The story is about a man who made a last minute decision more than 2,000 years ago. The man was a thief. He was not known for his good works. In fact, he was crucified that day because of the crime (or maybe crimes) that he committed. The turning point happened when he made a "late" decision in the last moments of his life. He made a decision to change. He made a simple request to the other Man who was also crucified that day.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” – Luke 23:42 

It was a late decision but it was a right one. And the former thief received a great answer.
He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” – Luke 23:43

That reply was awesome. It was like finishing last in a race but you still get a gold medal. It was a reply with a full guarantee because it was declared by the King himself. Jesus showed us that God is beyond time. It is a blessing to know Jesus early in your life. But making a last minute decision to know and love him is just as great.

Did you make that decision already?  
Do you know someone who has not yet made that decision to know and love Him?

Nothing is too late when it comes to Jesus.
Pray for that person. Invite him to church or a christian community. Then allow him enjoy the blessing of knowing Jesus personally.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 5, 2013


When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. – John 21:4

I stared at the picture of a sick child posted in the elevator. The boy was only seven years old and looked very frail. His body was skinny but his tummy was bloated. He had a liver ailment and needed a major operation. Below his picture were contact numbers and a bank account where one can make a donation.

Then I reached my office floor and I stepped out of the elevator unmoved by the child’s plea for help. I justified my reaction by thinking, “A lot of people will read that poster and the child will get enough donations.”

Three weeks later, I received an email from our HR officer. It was about the same sick child. I don’t know what happened to me but I suddenly felt guilty about the way I had acted a few weeks back. I asked forgiveness from God because I didn’t see Jesus in the helpless child. I gave a personal donation and also enjoined a few friends to give.

In today’s reading, the disciples, too, didn’t immediately recognize Jesus. They only realized it was Him when He gave them instructions. Initially, I also didn’t see Jesus in the sick child needing help. I forgot that Jesus said that loving Him includes helping the sick, visiting the prisoner and feeding the hungry. Alvin Fabella (

Reflection: Don’t experience Jesus through prayers and Mass only. Experience His presence when you help others who are in need.

reposting from

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


A picture posted in Facebook caught my attention a few weeks back.
It was a picture of the sun setting down in the sea. There was nothing special about the sun or the sea. What caught my attention was the caption.

“God is like Oxygen. You can’t see Him but you can’t live without Him”.

I immediately clicked on the “Like” button. I was about to click on the “Share” button when I realized something.

God and oxygen may be similar but they are very much different. Confusing? Allow me to explain my point.

The principle of breathing is simple. Man needs oxygen to live. If you breathed in oxygen you live. But, if one day you decide not to take in oxygen then you will not live to tell others what happened.

God is different.

Even if you become un-faithful to God, He will still be faithful. If you decide to ignore him, He will still pay attention to everything you do. When you think God is absent in the midst of trial, He is there carrying you through the storm. When you fall into sin, He is always ready to forgive even before you ask.

God’s love for you is more important the oxygen.

I love how David closed Psalm 23 with this verse.
“Indeed, (your) goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days.” - Psalm 23:6

God will pursue you because God loves you.

God will pursue you because He wants you to be part of His family. 

“Thus says the Lord God: I will take the children of Israel from among the nations to which they have come, and gather them from all sides to bring them back to their land. I will make them one nation upon the land, in the mountains of Israel” - Ezekiel 37:21-22

God is a father who longs to have you in His presence. He wants you to be part of his team. He desires to have you in His royal family.

God will pursue you.

Are you willing to cut the chase and ready to love Him back?

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Peter approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” — Matthew 18:21

“Papa, I left my Gameboy inside the movie theater!” my son Jason said. It had been almost 10 minutes since we left the moviehouse. We ran back to the theater. The next batch of moviegoers were already filing in. I was anxious we wouldn’t find his Gameboy anymore.

We rushed to the place where we had been seated but we only saw empty seats. My emotions were shifting from anxiety to anger when Jason said, “Papa, please forgive me for losing my video game.”

I didn’t know how to react. I just replied, “Don’t worry, it’s just a toy.” Then, as if on queue, the maintenance man approached us and asked if we were looking for a video game. He told us to proceed to their office so we could claim it.

Jesus teaches us to forgive repeatedly because God is always willing to forgive us. His concept of forgiveness is very different from ours. We are choosy about who to forgive while He forgives all who return to Him. While we take longer to pardon, God forgives immediately. God’s great love for us will always surpass our sins, whether big or small.  
- alvinfabella, sharing from Didache March 5,2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I was shocked when I read the news feeds of Facebook on the evening of February 11, 2013. I opened Twitter and saw how the same topic was trending – “Pope resigns”. I turned on the TV to watch CNN. It’s confirmed. The Pope was resigning!

The newscasters were discussing his resignation as the news ticker flashed various facts about Pope Benedict XVI. I realized that their discussion were mostly based on speculations. No one knew the true reason. The Pope's resignation became the hot topic in the following days. And why not? No Pope has resigned from his post for the past 600 years. 

Then I met a couple of people who criticized the Pope’s decision. I heard a couple of rumors about how this might affect the Church. I read some articles bashing not only the decision but even the Pope himself. It was upsetting. 

How would you feel if others questioned your father's decision? They questioned yet they don’t know or understand the true reason. 

I write this article a few hours before the Pope's resignation takes effect. The say that "winners never quit and quitters never win".

I believe that this quote does not hold true for this scenario. I firmly believe that Pope Benedict XVI is a true winner.  He is a winner because;

  1. More than 7 years ago, he showed me that age is not an excuse to beg-off from accepting a major role for God.
  2. That being traditional can be good.
  3. His books gave me a better perspective about how much God loves us. 
  4. He went against the norm because he was more concerned about the Church than what others would say about him.
  5. He showed me that quitting for the right reasons makes you a winner

My final message is simply this – THANK YOU POPE BENEDICT XVI.

"Who [indeed] is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" - 1 John 5:5

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


That’s what a close friend and sister in community replied when asked which cartoon character best describes me. 

If you know Popeye then you belong to my generation (or even earlier). If you don’t know him you are either too young or you are a liar or even worst, you forgot.

“You are like Popeye!”

I have nothing against this pipe smoking sailor. I like him. He plays the good guy. He loves his young nephews - Peepeye, Pupeye, Pipeye and Poopeye. He is always willing to help. His love for Olive is truly admirable. It’s an honor to be compared to this fictional character. I got excited to hear which of these positive traits I had. 

Is it the good guy image? Maybe the love for kids? Perhaps, its always being ready to help? Or my dedicated love for my wife Christine? (aawww, cheesy)
There was a silence as I waited for her explanation.  

“You are like Popeye when he eats spinach…” 

What? Is that it? Her explanation did not even include one of the traits I was expecting. I don’t even like spinach. I have a very short list of vegetables that I consider friends. And spinach is not one of them. My face lit when she finished her statement.  

“…Popeye eats spinach to be strong, you go to Jesus to be strengthen.” 

Wow. I heard a lot of compliments from my close friends that night since it was my birthday celebration. However, I love the “Popeye” honoring the most. I love it because it reminded me that;
  • I am weak and God is mighty 
  • I make mistakes but God is perfect 
  • I get tired while Jesus does not feel fatigue
But I feel blessed that I can always go to Jesus. Friends, Christianity is difficult. It is normal to feel tired. Its’ acceptable to make mistakes. If you feel burdened and you need to re-charge, then go back to Jesus.   

Allow Jesus to strengthen you. 
"I have the strength for everything through HIM (Jesus) who empowers me" -Philippians 4:13