Friday, January 20, 2012


My blog entry last January 11, 2012 talked about how Mary, sister of Martha, spent her time with Jesus. She was focus on Jesus. Jesus confirmed that she had chosen the right thing. I want to talk about what happens to us when we focus on Jesus. The entry of a new year usually brings much anxiety to everyone. Every trial that comes in our life also brings about questions that bother our minds.

Why does it have to be me? I have too much trouble already, cant I be spared from this? Does God ever listen to my prayers? Or is God too busy?

During times of trials, we tend to focus too much on ourselves. The book of Ephesians says that Jesus rules over everything. This means that our focus should be on Jesus alone. Regardless what state of life we are in.

21 Christ rules there above all heavenly rulers, authorities, powers, and lords; he has a title superior to all titles of authority in this world and in the next. 22 God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him to the church as supreme Lord over all things. - Ephesians 1:21-22

There are five things that happen when we focus on Jesus.
1. We get the courage to complete our mission
2. You live a purposed driven life
3. The glory of God will empower you to serve
4. You change your perspective about trials
5. God’s love changes you

Lets discuss the each of the above. First, when we focus on Jesus we get the courage to complete our mission.

My son Jason was barely three years old when my brother got him as a ring-bearer for his wedding. Our relatives told me that I need to accompany my son when he walks in the wedding aisle. Kids his age usually become intimidated walking alone along a long aisle. Add to this the multiple eyes looking at him while he performs his role. I did not consider this an issue. I knew my son more than them. So on the day of the wedding I told him to walk along the red carpet and look at the altar because I will be there to meet him. I told him that there will be people who will greet him along the way. I told him not to focus on them but instead look at my eyes as he walks slowly. He did as instructed and he was able to do his mission!

Moses was facing a problem. He just saved the Israelites from slavery but leading them was becoming a challenge. They kept on complaining. They complained about a lot of things – food, heat, the long journey, etc. Name it, they complained about it.

An ordinary leader would have quit. He did his part of leading them out of Egypt. Maybe God can assign another person to lead them to the promise land. Maybe he was too old to be doing this. But during his talk with God at Mt. Sinai, Moses heard what he needed to hear.

2 Moses said to the LORD, "It is true that you have told me to lead these people to that land, but you did not tell me whom you would send with me. You have said that you know me well and are pleased with me
14 The LORD said, "I will go with you, and I will give you victory." - Exodus 33:12,14

God’s assurance gave Moses to complete his mission. Moses also asked for one more thing.
Then Moses said, “I pray you, show me your glory!” - Exodus 33:18 
Moses was focus on God. He encountered a lot of problems and he knew that he would be encountering more ahead. But focusing on God allowed him to complete his mission.

How about you? Do you have problems like Moses? When face with a trial, do you focus on the problem or yourself? When faced with a problem, desire God’s glory and focus on it. His grace is more than enough for you to complete your mission. I will discuss the other items in the next blog entry.

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