Today’s reading starts with this line, "But the word of God continued to spread and grow” (Acts 12:24)
What's wrong with that? That’s not really a good example of things going bad.
You need to read the full chapter of Acts 12 to appreciate what verse 24 says. Because things were moving from bad to worse in the opening part of Acts 12. A wicked king named Herod ruled the land. He orders the beheading of James (Acts 12:2). Then he orders the arrest of Peter. King Herod, in just two verses, kills one of Jesus' closest apostles & imprisons Jesus’ top guy. Now, things are really going wrong.
So, is this the end of the Church? Did the Christians quit?
Apparently not. Because as verse 24 says, "the word of God continued to spread and grow”
What did Christians to do overcome this? PRAY. Verse 5 says that "prayer by the church was fervently being made to God".
Then God makes His move. HE sends an angel to free Peter. HE ends the rule of the tyrant Herod. And the Word of God spread and multiplied.
What’s God message for you today?
Your situation may look bleak. You may be thinking of quitting. Don’t give up! Continue to HOPE. Because God is still in charge.
The tyrant Herod wanted to end the Church at the start of the chapter. But God ends his life at the closing part of this story.
The key is to stay with Jesus. Continue to pray. Believe that no matter how bad things are going, things will "for good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Remember, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!
Have a blessed & wonderful Wednesday! -