Monday, May 28, 2018


a personal reflection on this Sunday's Gospel Matthew 28:16-20

"Selamat pagi!" (Good morning!)

I only know a few Indonesian words. I was hoping that if I used them now I could get the answer that I want to hear.
"Is there a place where I can temporarily leave our two big luggages?"
I asked the woman at the mall reception counter. She paused then replied, "sorry, none".
That was not the answer I was hoping for. It was the last day of our family vacation in Indonesia. However, our return flight was not until 12:30 AM the next day. We had around 14 hours to burn till our flight. I gazed upon the vastness of the mall. It was a huge place so I was hoping the lady at the counter would say, "Yes sir! You may leave your bags here and enjoy the mall." Since she replied with "no", it meant 14 hours of pulling, lifting & pushing these two large & heavy bags around. I was desperate so I called my divine "9-1-1" hotline.

"Lord, this is such a petty request but can you give me a place to leave these bags?"

Teka, pati ba naman yun i-pagdarasal pa?
Why not? Anyway, God promised that He will be with us always, right?

“I am with you always, to the close of the age” - Matthew 28:20

If God is with us always then we can call on Him always. Whenever, wherever.
After about ten minutes, I heard a woman calling out to my wife's name.
"Christine, Christine!!!!"
I turned to my left to find out who it was. I was so surprised to see our Filipino friend Rae. We used to see each other at prayer meetings back in Manila. That was until her husband had to bring their family to Indonesia because of his work.
She approached us to share this funny anecdote.
"I saw Christine from a distance & thought that she was Indonesian. So I wanted to take a picture then send to Christine and tell her 'This Indonesian woman looks like you!'"
We all laughed. We continued to share how things have been since they left Manila. I interrupted our happy conversation to asked Rae - "Is there really no place in this big mall where we can leave our luggages?"
Her reply was music to my ears.
"Our condo unit is beside this mall. You can leave your things there, enjoy the mall & get it back tonight."
We continued our conversation as we made our way to their unit.
Wow. Ang bilis! That has to be the fastest answered prayer I ever had. Record breaking!
But sometimes God delays His answer to our prayers. Why? I don't have a direct answer. Maybe we are asking for something that will not be good for us so God does not grant it. Maybe He is preparing something better. No one really knows. Only God does.
Let’s go back to my story because it does not end there. Later on, we had a delicious dinner with Rae, her husband Jam & their son. We shared a lot of stories. We laughed. They even gave a us a quick tour to see the facilities of the condo building. Lastly, Jam booked us a taxi that will bring us to the airport! No more waiting. No more queueing for a cab. We had a relaxed, comfortable and joyful last day to end our family vacation. God did not only answer my prayer quickly. He gave me & my family more than what I asked for. What's my point?


Regardless, if your concern is big or small, pray to God. Sometimes He answers us quickly. Sometimes His answer is delayed. We cannot demand anything from God. We are just called to believe because God knows what's best for us. Kapit lang kapatid!
What are you praying for? Trust God. Believe. Wait. Always remember Matthew 28:20. Jesus will always be there for you. Pagkat kay Kristo, walang iwanan.
Have a blessed & amazing week! -


a personal reflection on Pentecost Sunday's Gospel John 20:19-23

"Can I have a glass of red wine?"
"Sorry sir, but I ran out of red wine. Can I offer you anything else?"

That was the conversation between the flight attendant (FA) and the elderly man seated a row ahead of me. The man said "no" as the FA pushed his food cart.
"Do you have Diet Coke?"
"Oh my apologies ma'am, but I only have regular Coke. I'll check the cabin if we have extra stocks."

The FA replied to the mother who was trying to calm down her energizer-bunny young son.
Then the FA looked to his right and waited for the preferred drink of the young man beside me.
"Water with ice please"
"Sorry but I don't have ice anymore. Is it ok if I serve you water with no ice?"
The young man raise his hand, shook his head & went back to his book. It was "iced water" or "no water" for him.
Three consecutive orders which were all not available. That must be a bit frustrating. I know I would be if I experienced the same. I was seated at the rear section of the plane so I understood why his supply was scarce at this time. Now, it was my turn. He looked at me and asked, "can I offer you anything to drink, sir?"
"What do you have?"
He checked his cart. He lifted each fruit juice carton and shook them to check if still had enough. He frowned and replied - "Sorry sir. But I can't offer you many options. I only have maybe a quarter of a cup of apple & half carton of carrot juice."
Maybe he was desperate. Maybe he did not want to fail anymore so he explained his situation further. "Sir, if you don't like apple or carrot I can get another batch of drinks at the back cabin. It will take a few minutes. It's just....."
I smiled & interrupted him. "Carrot juice & a drop of apple juice is perfect! Thank you my friend!"
He gave me a blank look. There was a short pause before he asked me again.
"Are you sure sir?"
"Thank you sir! Thank you!"
"No, thank you! This carrot apple juice is exactly what I need in this flight."
The FA smiled back. At that moment, it was "welcome happiness, goodbye frustration" for him. He handed me extra peanuts as he pushed his cart forward.
This world offers a lot of things. The temptation to choose power, pleasure or possessions is always there. They look good. They feel good. But then, when you pick what the world offers, you will be satisfied.......for a while. Because things of this world don't lasts. You will get frustrated if you pick what this world offers because #WalangForever
Only God can offer something that will lasts forever. Read John 3:16. So choose wisely. Choose Christ. Why? Because Jesus offers the best gift.
John 20:22 says "..he breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'"

Jesus offers the Holy Spirit. He offers us something special. He offers us life to the fullest (John 10:10). If you want to change for the better, if you want to be renewed, if you want to live well then CHOOSE GOD every time. Receive His Holy Spirit.
May your choices be guided not by the world but by His WORD. Happy Pentecost Sunday and may you have a blessed week! -
PS Happy birthday Church!!!!


a personal reflection on today’s Gospel John 15:9-17

A missionary once asked Ghandi, “you quote the words of Christ often, why do you reject becoming his follower?”
Ghandi replied, "Oh, I don’t reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

LOVE is the trademark of a Christian. It’s not the great worship songs that the music ministry plays. It’s not the awesomely design building that the congregation built. It’s not the merchandise of shirts and mugs that’s available everywhere. It’s all about LOVE.
We are called to love because;
  1. God loved us. John 15:9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you"
  2. God chose us to be his friends & followers. John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you"
  3. And as His followers, we should obey what He commands. John 15:17 "This I command you, to love one another."

Sadly, we don’t do a good job of projecting LOVE. We choose to argue not understand. We pick greed over generosity. We take pride over patience. We prefer hate over love. Why?

Is it because loving is difficult? Is it because of the risk of being hurt when you truly love? Is it because loving requires you to lose yourself?

I don’t know. So I came before God this morning to pray & ask the same questions. I felt His presence and His replies.
  • Is it because loving is difficult? I CARRIED THE CROSS. THAT WAS HARD.
  • Is it because of the risk of being hurt when you truly love? I WAS TORTURED & CRUCIFIED. THAT WAS PAINFUL.
  • Is it because loving requires you to lose yourself? I DIED FOR YOU. THAT WAS LOSING EVERYTHING.


This is why HE did everything for LOVE.
Loving is difficult but Jesus calls us to do it. And when Jesus says it, we follow.
Lord, if being a Christian means loving the most un-lovable person in the world then I want to do it. I am weak so I may try and fail. But I ask for your grace that I may keep on trying. This I asked in your Name, Amen.
Have a blessed Sunday! -

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


A famous line goes "if you fail to plan then you plan to fail". Gets mo?
So true. But failure is also real. Sometimes regardless of the amount of planning you put into something it still fails. Sad but true.

What can you do? Be PERSISTENT, DON'T Quit, "Habang may buhay may pagasa", Try & try until you die :)

You must have heard or read them all. What else can one do then if the plan fails?
Here's the key.


Be stuck to the Ultimate Planner. Because without HIM, we are nothing. "Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me" (John 15:4).

Your plan may be great but His plan is a zillion times greater. No one can outdo the plan of the ONE. Isaiah 14:27 says "The LORD of hosts has planned; who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out; who can turn it back?"

Stick to the PLANNER more than the PLAN. Maybe you failed in a relationship. Maybe you failed in a business venture. Maybe your friends failed you. You may fail but your value remains. You may fail several times but God will always see you as His greatest creation because "we are God's masterpiece" (Ephesians 2:10, NLT).

Move on, keep on trying & be stuck to Jesus. Have a blessed awesome day! -