Monday, October 21, 2013


The news was shocking!

The pictures that followed the dreadful event were disheartening. 

Baclayon Church in Bohol after the earthquake. Picture courtesy of

Loboc Church (originally built in 1638) and Baclayon Church (first structure built in 1595) are two of the oldest churches in the Philippines. Both churches were heavily damaged that morning of October 15, 2013. The culprit was the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit the province that day. 

I had one realization after going through the multiple pictures posted in the social media network. Nothing in this world will lasts forever. Not even churches that stood firmly like immovable buildings for more than 400 years.  

St. Paul was right when he called us to focus on things that will lasts forever.

"For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen. For what can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever" - 2 Corinthians 4:8

How much time do you spend on things that will not lasts? Are you working extra hours to buy the latest device, car or bigger house?

I am not saying that these things are bad. There is nothing wrong in dreaming big in all areas of your life. But, they became bad when your dream ends with them. They become bad when these things take you away from more important things. Example, are you spending less time with your family to get that promotion?

Our dreams should end with us loving God and others. If we achieved all these temporary things yet we fail to love God and others then we are not fulfilling your purpose. Our tendency is to focus on what is external and temporary instead of things that are not seen yet meant for eternity. The call for us is to focus on what is eternal. We need someone who is beyond time. We need someone who is not here one day but will be gone the next day.

We need to focus on Jesus. He is eternal. More importantly, He is always here to love you. 

** picture courtesy of

Monday, October 14, 2013


Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our lives. Some people feel lost whenever they unintentionally leave behind their phone at their house. I should know. I am one of them. I won't call it addiction. Well, not yet. I am simply maximizing this high tech gadget's potential. There are a lot of things that I do with my phone aside from calling or texting my family and contacts. I see what my friends are up to through social media (Facebook or Twitter). I can read and reply to my emails. I can read Scriptures via my mobile Bible app.  My phone also acts as my GPS device when I am going to a unknown place. I can do bank transactions, take & edit pictures, review notes and a lot more. 

I realized my dependance on this gadget when my work required me to visit another country. I opened my phone upon arrival at the airport and immediately noticed a problem. My telecommunications provider did not have a roaming partner in that country. Simply put, my phone did not have any signal. No phone call, text or Internet for me. The once powerful device was downgraded to a basic camera! The device did not have its usual power because it was not able to connect.

Friends, its the same with our lives. We need to remain connected to Jesus. Life is difficult. But with Jesus we are able to face the trials that come our way.

Jesus clearly states the importance of remaining connected to Him.

"Remain in me as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." - John 15:4

Without Jesus, we are simply ordinary. With Jesus, we are simply amazing.

Stay connected to Jesus. There is no connection charge and grace is unlimited!


Turning to the disciples in private he said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” – Luke 10:23 

Meryll was feeling depressed because she still didn’t have work since she migrated to Canada. She had sent her application to a number of companies but none of them were willing to take a risk on a new migrant like her.

Then one day, I was surprised to see a chat message from her. She relayed to me that she already got a job.

The biggest blessing was that her work at the new company was almost exactly the same as what she had in Manila. This helped her adjust to her work at a much faster pace. She told me that she would no longer question the timing of God. The delay in finding her job was well worth it. She realized that God had just been preparing the “perfect” work for her.

Most of the time, we see events that are happening differently from how God sees them. Our eyes don’t immediately see the purpose behind our circumstances. We may not see yet the blessing in a trial because God is still preparing something better for us. Alvin Fabella (

This reflection was originally posted at