Or maybe cutting paper with a pair of pliers?
Difficult, right?
Because these tools were design for a different purpose other than what my examples stated. By the way, there is no need to do an experiment on my opening questions. I cannot cover for any injury you might get should you try the experiment :-)
A stapler is a tool for joining pieces of paper. Not for driving a nail into a surface. A pair of pliers is meant for compressing, holding or bending items. It is not for cutting.
When we understand it's purpose, we are able to use it better.
What is your purpose as a Christian? Personally, I have four.
- To love & know God
- To love others, especially those in need
- To be ready to serve
- To be a witness for Jesus
Go over the above list again.
Are you fulfilling your purpose? Which point do you feel you need to improve on?
You will be more effective if you know what is your purpose. A Christian's life is not trouble free. However, a Christian should continue to live as what God has designed him to be.
Have a blessed day!
Here is a hypothetical question - if Jesus was a virus, are you willing to be the carrier?
Most of you would reply with a resounding "YES!".
the more important question is – do you want to be an efficient virus
carrier? An effective carrier is able to transmit the virus from one
body to another. An efficient one does the same but with more damage at a lesser amount of time.
Imagine if there was a make believe world where
all the virus carriers meet regularly. The top gun virus are those that
are able to spread the virus the most, the fastest, those that cause
more damage and also those that last the longest.
Why not be a virus for God and fulfill your call?
God calls you to evangelize.
"He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature'" – Mark 16:15
God is calling you to evangelize NOW. Not tomorrow. Not in ten years. Not when your problems are over (because problems never end). God
calls you to evangelize now. Don’t let the Jesus "virus" end with you.
Spread it quickly like a wildfire that burns and consumes a forest.
One last note, evangelization is also our way of thanking Jesus for His love to us. Do you want to thank and love Him back?
Spread Jesus to others. Have a blessed day!