Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Maybe Abram was shock with what God said that day.
"No longer shall you be called Abram; your name shall be Abraham” - Genesis 17:5
Abram's name meant “exalted father”. That must have been embarrassing for him because he did not have a child. Imagine Abram walking around the town & people greeting him, “hi Mr. Exalted Father! How's your eldest? Ooops.....sorry we forgot that you don't have a child”
Then God seems to add insult to injury. God says to him, "No longer shall you be called Abram; your name shall be Abraham”. Abraham meant “father of a multitude”. You gotta to be kidding, Lord?
If I was Abram I’d ask God a few questions.
Do we really have to do this name change from “exalted father” to “father of the multitude” now?
How about giving me a child first?
I am old, my wife is old, doesn't this look impossible, Lord
Instead, Abram simply bows down in worship as God gives him the full promise.
“My covenant with you is this: you are to become the father of a host of nations. No longer shall you be called Abram; your name shall be Abraham, for I am making you the father of a host of nations. I will render you exceedingly fertile; I will make nations of you; kings shall stem from you.” - Genesis 17:4-6
Later on, Abraham’s wife becomes pregnant with Isaac. He also had "descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky” (Genesis 26:4)
This happened because whatever God says, happens.
  • When He said, "Let there be light, & there was light” (Genesis 1:3)
  • When He commanded the storm to be "Quiet! Be still!”, the wind ceased and there was great calm" (Mark 4:39)
  • He called out his dead friend, “Lazarus, come out!”. Lazarus, who was 4 days dead, rose up from the dead. (John 11:43)
  • He shared about His coming resurrection, “Destroy this temple & in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19). He was crucified & rose up after 3 days.
Because whatever God says, happens.
So when God says, "Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
We hold on to that promise.
It may look impossible. It may look scary at this time. But God will always take care of us. Itaga mo yan sa bato!
Stay safe, stay blessed! - alvinfabella@yahoo.com

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