Thursday, December 7, 2017


Jonah was inside the belly of the big fish for three days. He prayed while he was WAITING. After 3 days, the fish spit him out in the land of Nineveh. Jonah preach to the Ninevites & they repented.

Paul was in prison for two years. He could have chosen to complain while he was WAITING inside his cell. Instead, he continued to share about Jesus to guards & they converted.

Mary was pregnant. She could have opted to just rest & wait at home. Yet, she chose to serve Elizabeth while WAITING. The baby in the womb of Elizabeth leaped when Mary greeted Elizabeth. At the same instant, Elizabeth was also filled with the Holy Spirit.

Are you passive in your waiting? Don't be.

Follow the example of Jonah, Paul & Mary. They made the most out of their waiting. Jonah prayed, Paul evangelized and Mary served. And because of what they did others were blessed.

Remember, there's always a BLESSING in the WAITING. 


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