Monday, October 14, 2013


Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our lives. Some people feel lost whenever they unintentionally leave behind their phone at their house. I should know. I am one of them. I won't call it addiction. Well, not yet. I am simply maximizing this high tech gadget's potential. There are a lot of things that I do with my phone aside from calling or texting my family and contacts. I see what my friends are up to through social media (Facebook or Twitter). I can read and reply to my emails. I can read Scriptures via my mobile Bible app.  My phone also acts as my GPS device when I am going to a unknown place. I can do bank transactions, take & edit pictures, review notes and a lot more. 

I realized my dependance on this gadget when my work required me to visit another country. I opened my phone upon arrival at the airport and immediately noticed a problem. My telecommunications provider did not have a roaming partner in that country. Simply put, my phone did not have any signal. No phone call, text or Internet for me. The once powerful device was downgraded to a basic camera! The device did not have its usual power because it was not able to connect.

Friends, its the same with our lives. We need to remain connected to Jesus. Life is difficult. But with Jesus we are able to face the trials that come our way.

Jesus clearly states the importance of remaining connected to Him.

"Remain in me as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." - John 15:4

Without Jesus, we are simply ordinary. With Jesus, we are simply amazing.

Stay connected to Jesus. There is no connection charge and grace is unlimited!

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